You may just need a Website Website Revamp! Have you considered what a successful website can do for you? From generating quality leads to retaining regular customers and converting prospects into subscribers, you may find that your current website is highly underperforming.
Perhaps you paid a hefty sum to kickstart your website and shelled out laborious hours to work your way through building your web pages on your own; nevertheless, maintaining a website that loses the attention of your visitors can prove to be more costly to your business.
It is crucial to monitor and identify the obstacles that are impeding your conversion rate and visitor growth. Afterall, positive visitor engagement on your website is what keeps you in business. Therefore, look out for the following indications that strongly suggest you should prioritize a website revamp for relevance in today’s online world.
Your website is slow and unresponsive.

Speed captures your visitor’s attention. Check how quickly your website loads through an online speed tester. If your website takes longer than three seconds to load, you may find drop out levels high and interest levels low. Your visitors may also interpret your website as difficult to navigate and less user-friendly. This can greatly affect your website’s performance, especially for first-time visitors looking for specific content. Website revamp can be your solution to optimize speed that can get you back in business when your visitors are engaged.
Your website is not safe and credible.
Credibility is key in the online world of business. Privacy matters have cautioned users to tread more carefully when surfing the internet so that personal information is not stolen, leaked or breached. Thus, your website is in major need of revamping if your visitors do not feel safe to click through. Establishing credibility can be a tedious process if you have no headway on the ins and outs of building your website.
To ensure that your website is safe to enter, use an encrypted network communication protocol (HTTPS) to prevent unauthorised users or bots from crawling through your site. During a website revamp, you may also request for proven testimonials from clients you have worked with as social proofs to your web visitors.
Your website is does not function well on mobile devices.

Mobile devices have become etched in our lives that we now eat, sleep and breathe internet. With that said, users now visit websites on-the-go with their mobile devices. Therefore, visitors abandon your website once they realize that your website is unresponsive and does not function properly on mobile devices. To be compatible with mobile devices, revamp and modernize your website revamp with a responsive design and an adaptable dynamic layout.
Your website lacks SEO.
Improving your website ranking on search engines such as Google, Yahoo and Bing can help you reach out to your intended audience for related queries to your business. When you decide to embark on a website revamp, be sure to do so on an SEO-friendly platform that can contribute to targeted keywords linked to your brand name. SEO or Search Engine Optimization can improve your website health score and authority on search engines. Start with the basics by paying attention and allocating unique titles, descriptions, URLs and images to your webpages.
Your website does not reflect your brand.
Branding is the art of differentiation. From your logo to your layout and messaging, your brand is how visitors identify your business and the services you offer. If the elements on your website do not reflect your business’s brand, it is time to makeover your website to draw the right visitors. Consistent and coherent website revamp can encourage visitors to subscribe to your content, potentially converting leads into prospects.
A proper responsive website can support and turn your business into a successful one. When you stay updated and offer your visitors value, you may then expect returns in the form of referrals and positive reviews. Keep your online presence strong by redesigning your website to help improve communications between you and your visitors.
Iconic Digital World has been proven over and over again to be a great web design and website redesign and revamp Company. Request an Instant Quote now!