
Iconic Resources:

No 1 Latest List of Businesses That Need Websites in 2021

Is having a website still relevant to my business?

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Do you run an online business?

Do you have a startup or small business? 

Do you want to make more sales in your business?

Then you are top on the list of businesses that need websites. A brand website is your business’s largest marketing tool. It’s just as important as having a social media page or office space. If you don’t have a professional website as a business owner, you are limiting your business opportunities. 

Creating websites for the list of businesses that need websites (1)
Business websites on a computer by Domenico Loia on Unsplash

You cannot effectively operate a business in the digital era without access to the online world. Having an online presence, like a website in this digital age, gives you an edge over your competition. Thanks to technology, you can now stay ahead of the ever-changing market trends and fast-paced online world. Whatever the nature of your business or industry, maintaining an online presence can help you attract customers, generate more leads, and drive sales.

Without an internet presence, it feels as if your business doesn’t exist in the world. You may think you don’t need a website because of the nature or size of your business. This is a common belief among businesses that don’t offer digital products and services. They are often hesitant about designing a website because they feel they do not need it. Notwithstanding, there is an unwritten rule about running a business in this digital age and time. That is–every business, however small, must have a website. 

Why? There are many reasons which I will share with you in this article. Let’s get started!

The Benefits of Having a Website for Your Business

the benefits of brands on the list of businesses that need websites
Guide to business growth by Austin Distel on Unsplash

There is so much more to websites that you can leverage to scale your business. If you’re still not convinced enough about getting a website for your business, below are some reasons you need to get one.

A Website Gives Your Brand Legitimacy

A great website can have a significant impact on your business. If you want to make your brand look credible, go get yourself a website. Most of your prospective customers will love to check out your website before they decide to buy from you. With the increase in cyber-crime and internet scams, potential customers would likely distrust a business that doesn’t have a physical address or website. They need to confirm that you are the expert you claim to be. 

You know what they say about first impressions. A well-designed website with your brand vision, mission, core values, history, portfolio reviews, and images of your products can make a good impression on your prospects. Displaying such details is proof that your business is legitimate. It creates a professional image around your business and gives it a sense of credibility. Thus, positioning you as an expert in the industry, and instilling trust and confidence in your business. 

It Establishes Online Presence

A good way to build a strong web presence is by designing an https://iconicdigitalworld.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/02/Best-kid-business-ideas-2021-4.jpg website. It could serve as an online business address where your prospects can get a summary overview of your brand offering. Social media marketing is a good advertising strategy, but it’s not just enough to have a Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram page. There has to be a central place where your customers can go to make a purchase or learn more about the services you render. 

A website can help your customers get a clear idea of what your brand is about and the products or services you offer. It is your brand’s window to the world. With that, your customers can always have access to you anyway and anytime. Even outside business hours, customers can log into your website to load their shopping carts and make payments from the comfort of their homes. All you need to do is to automate the process and then you can wake up to credit alerts every day.  

Increases Your Brand Awareness and Visibility 

A website serves as a low-cost marketing vehicle that can help you market your brand and attract your target audience. The Return-in-investment (ROI) of having a website is higher than other forms of advertising. Unlike social media, you don’t have to spend tons of money to advertise your products on your website. It also saves the cost of printing paper catalogs, brochures, banners, and flyers. The best part is that you can also edit and update the information on your website to reflect your brand offerings. 

You can use tools like Google AdWords and Search Engine Optimization (SEO) to break through geographical barriers and reach prospective customers in all parts of the world. With that, you can become the first brand a potential customer sees when searching for a specific product or service on the internet. You can also create a simple form on your website to get more people to sign up for your email list. Thus, increasing the database of potential and existing customers you can advertise to through email marketing. 

Helps You to Generate Quality Leads

A well-optimized website with interactive web pages is an effective tool for automating your business process, generating leads, and building your prospect list. It helps you get potential leads who will call, sign up or purchase a product from your brand. You can optimize your website to generate leads by using Google Analytics, SEO, Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO), valuable content, and a great user experience. 

Provide Customer Service and Support 

A website provides your prospective and existing customers with easy access to fast and convenient customer service. It is a good way to improve your customer relationship management. Your customers can receive instant replies to their inquiries, FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions), and more information about your products and services online. It helps both you and your customers save time and money, which encourages good customer relations in the long run. 

That’s not all. Your customers can also speak to a customer representative through semi-automated chatbots displayed on the site. They can also book a consultation session and track the progress of their orders from the comfort of their home. You can also create online polls and surveys to get their feedback on your products and service delivery. Or even an affiliate marketing system so your customers earn discount coupons through their referrals. 

Always Available

Brands on the list of businesses that need websites are companies that value availability and accessibility. A website comes in handy for businesses who want to be available to their customers at all times, but cannot open their physical office round the clock. Your website can be available for sales and purchase 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Even when you can’t take calls after working hours, your website can still respond to all your customers’ inquiries. Your customers can also make purchases any time of the day without fear of you losing your money. Thus, improving your customer services and income.

It Helps You Close More Sales

This is one major reason your brand is on the list of businesses that need websites. With your website, you can keep gaining new prospects, generating leads, and converting sales no matter the size or location of your business. Remember your potential clients are on the internet looking for the next cool thing to spend their money on. When you showcase a portfolio of your work and reviews on your websites, you are likely to close more sales. 

It reduces the cost of rent, staff salary, and other utilities associated with owning a physical office. Everything your customers need to do business with you is in one place and it is accessible at all times. Eliminating these overheads increases your business profits and revenue. 

Top List of Businesses That Need Websites

List of businesses that need websites
List of businesses that have websites by Dan Gold on Unsplash

Every business regardless of industry needs a website. Even if you are a small local business, freelancer, independent contractor, or consultant, you can benefit from having a website. If you don’t have one, you are leaving lots of money on the table. Check out this list of businesses that need websites and you will find that yours fit into a category.

1. E-commerce Business:

Top on this list of businesses that need websites are the e-commerce brands. This list is extensive as it includes every business that owns a business that sells tangible products to people on the internet. Retail businesses that sell clothes, agricultural products, household gadgets, kitchen utensils, electronic appliances, food items, jewelry, clothing accessories, and so on. As long as you are selling a product we can see, feel and touch, you fall under this category.

2. Education:

If you own a school, educational institution, or learning facility, you need a website for students exploring the option of online schooling. An e-learning platform will facilitate the dissemination and sharing of information between teachers and students. It is also a good place for parents who are looking to change schools for their school can research and make an inquiry. The educational industry is not just limited to traditional schools. It extends down to the information marketing business with more emerging coaches, trainers, and consultants joining the industry. 

3. Food and Catering Services:

This is one of the fastest-growing business industries. Little wonder it’s on the list of businesses that need websites. Everybody loves food. That is why it’s one of the fastest-selling commodities online. Most people search for the best-reviewed restaurants on the internet when looking for a place to eat. That is why food vendors and restaurants make their food menus and services available on their websites. With the easy “click to call” option, customers can place their orders and have their food delivered to their home or office. 

4. Hospitality Industry:

When people travel to a new city either for business or a vacation, they do not leave their accommodation to chance. They always search for the hotel they will stay at online ahead of their trip. If they like what they see, they may even book a room reservation before embarking on their trip. If you don’t have a website, how do you expect these customers to find your hotel online? Just like these travelers, you can’t leave anything to chance. Create a website where people can find all the information about their hotel and make reservations with ease. 

5. Construction and Real Estate Developers:

Even as a construction company you can showcase your current projects, previous accomplishments, and future works on your website. What better way to position yourself as an industry expert. It doesn’t matter the type of construction services you render. It could build, road construction, fabricating, installing, erecting, maintaining, performing integrity digs on, plumbing, lighting, drainage systems construction, and performing turnaround services on, pipelines, buildings, plants, and facilities of all types. Just put yourself out there. Who knows? Someone in search of a good contractor may stumble on your website, and that could be your lucky day. 

6. Travel Agencies:

Have you ever gone to the airport to book a ticket only to find out that all flights have been booked? The most annoying part is when you plan a trip only to go to the park and find that there are no available buses headed for your destination. All that is now in the past as traveling has been made easy for everyone. With a simple website, travelers can search for a travel agent and book their flight or bus ticket ahead. If you have one of such websites, it will project your brand as a reliable transportation business. 

7. Health Industry:

Even hospitals and medical service providers are not exempted from this list of businesses that need websites. Before using or recommending any hospital, most people search online to review their medical facilities and healthcare systems. That’s more reason you should have a reliable medical website as a medical practitioner. Imagine how much money you will make if you had a website that provides access to 24 hours medical services. 

8. Legal Practitioners:

I know what you’re thinking. Yes, lawyers also need websites. Trust me, nobody is going to hire your services as a lawyer if there are no precedents of successful cases in your portfolio. It is also more convenient for your clients to check out your services and book an appointment with you on your website. This way you have a more organized work schedule. 

9. Entertainment:

Next to food and catering services, entertainment is another fast-growing industry. People love to laugh a little and have some fun. If you can provide such services for them either as an event MC, disk jockey (Dj), comedian, or musician, they will be more than willing to part with their money. One of the best ways to promote your entertainment business is to create a website where you can upload brief video clips, track records, and event images. 

10. IT Support and Tech Services:

You would think that businesses in these categories should be the first to get a website, but they don’t. A typical case of “physician heal thyself”. For some, it is an oversight or negligence. Well, the bad news is that no one will hire a techie who does not use technology in his business. So, if you offer IT or tech services like product design, UI/UX design, web design, cloud computing, artificial intelligence, digital marketing, app development, programming, and coding, then you are definitely on the list of businesses that need websites. It is your main lifeline for customer acquisition. 

12. Car Rentals, Sales, Repairs, and Customization:

Most owners of car rental and dealership companies understand the role a website plays in attracting and keeping buyers for life. The experience customers have on your website influences their perception of your brand. If they are impressed with what they see, they will most likely book an appointment to check out the cars in your showroom. Even a roadside mechanic can improve his competitive advantage by creating a website for his brand. 

11. Service Providers:

Service providers are individuals who provide any kinds of freelance or creative services like writing, graphics design, social media management, virtual assistance, blogging, copywriting, make-up artists, transcription, data computing, project management, data analysis, and so on. Whether or not you are in a specialized niche, you need a website that can attract people who are interested in the services you offer. 

Here you have it, a comprehensive list of businesses that need websites. I bet your business falls into one of those categories. If you want to be treated as a business, then act like one. Become part of the global business community and increase your chances of success by creating a brand website. 

A good website design must tick all the boxes in terms of structure and layout. Are you looking to design a quality website that is user-friendly and enhances your brand’s credibility? Are you looking to build your brand visibility and optimize sales? Not to worry, the Iconic digital world has got you covered. Take advantage of the Iconic advantage to get a brand new website at an affordable rate.

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