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A Quick Common Sense Guide to Website Redesign in 2021

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Do you need to a website redesign in 2021? Maybe you feel it is outdated or someone told you so? Is the user experience of your website not encouraging?  Has anyone told you your website is not mobile-friendly and SEO compliant? If yes to any of the above, then you need to bring your website back to life! But the question is how can you make your website SEO and mobile friendly? The answer is simple: by website redesign!

Read our article When website redesign should be your top 1 priority.

What is Website Redesign?

Website Redesign in 2021 - Quick Common Sense Guide
Website Redesign in 2021 – Quick Common Sense Guide Photo by Bich Tran from Pexels

A website redesign is a process of revamping or changing the content, partial or total outlook, or functionality of your website so that your visitors can have the best experience possible. Since a website needs to inform or satisfy visitors or potential audience and/or increase a business’ product or service sales, a partial or total website redesign could be the last resort essential to provide your web users with the best experience.

According to salesforce research, about 80 percent of customers say that the experience a company provides is as important as its products and services. Thus, if you want to revamp your site, your audience should be your first consideration; not you, how you feel or what you want!

Despite the great advantages of a revamp, there are also very salient factors that must be considered while opting for a website redesign.

What Points Should be Considered before Redesigning Your Website in 2021?

Do your Internal Analysis:

When you create a website, your focus should be your target audience. Similarly, before opting for a website redesign, it is important to do your internal analysis which means that you should get to know who your target audience is and their needs? Is the conversion rate of your website low? Does your website look outdated? However, beyond knowing what your visitors do not like about your website, you need to know what you should not tamper with on your site too. Do not forget that no matter how you feel about your web, your audience is your focus. They are the reason for your website redesign.

What is the Goal for your Website Redesign in 2021?

There are various reasons one could have for going the path of website redesign in 2021; however, you need to ensure you are doing it for the right reason(s). Do you only need to change the general layout or you need to include some new or improved functionality?

Sometimes, your business may simply need a revamp if you want to stay in business. If most of your competitors just did a website revamp, you do not want to look like the only one who did not progress in the last couple of months of years. However, you should do a critical analysis of your website. Asking yourself these simple questions could bail you out:

  • Will I have more website visitors if I do a revamp?
  • Is my site attractive enough to make my visitors stay for a long time?
  • Can my sales be improved by revamping?
  • What is the impact of a website revamp on my SEO ranking?
  • Is my website designer competent enough or do I need a new one?
  • Is my website user-friendly or visitors find it difficult to use?
  • Would I prefer an easier to manage website design platform?

Do your Competitive Analysis

Do your Competitive Analysis
Do your Competitive AnalysisImage by Photo Mix from Pixabay

Doing a competitive analysis does not mean you should copy what your competitors are doing without minding if your audience will resonate with it or not. It only means you should check what your competitors are doing well on their website and what they are not. Learn from their errors and stay ahead. Keep in mind that by competitive analysis, you can make your design better than your competitors’. This checklist should help you:

  • Have most of my competitors recently done a revamp?
  • Is there a new trend in my industry I should quickly flow with or be better at?
  • What are my competitors doing better to make their visitors take easier and quicker actions?
  • What website design platform are competitors using and why?

Protect your SEO Ranking!

This is important! Your website has probably been existing for quite a while and it’s probably a reflection of your many years of hard work. However, did you know that a poorly done website revamp could sadly do more harm than good? You do not want to lose your SEO ranking because of a website redesign in 2021. Unfortunately, as simple as this sounds, some website designers do not know this truth and that is why you need to go through the whole process with a well-experienced website design professional.

How to know a professional Website Redesigner

How to choose a professional redesigner
How to know a professional Website Redesigner – Photo by Ken Tomita from Pexels

Here are few commonsense guide to know how to choose the right professional for the job. Who is qualified to redesign my website?

  1. He or she should have At least 5(five) years’ experience and/many past redesign projects to show
  2. Is he/she proficient in preserving your existing brand identity or implementing a new one
  3. Does his/her action plan include a proper backup of the existing design?
  4. Does he/she have a plan to keep your website active while working behind the scenes?
  5. Is there a guarantee that the redesign will not hurt your SEO at all or too much?

The above questions are very pertinent and each should have a concrete answer before you take any step further.


In conclusion, I would like to say that do not just jump at website redesign in 2021 without having a clear-cut plan of action. You should sit down and count the cost before setting out. After going through all of the steps above, visit a professional website designer. You, however, do not need to go too far. You are only a click away from a professional website designer. At Iconic Digital World, we got your back!  You just need to either request a free instant quote or just contact us. You will be glad you did!

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