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How to get SEO Keywords For Your Website in 8 Easy Steps

Get SEO Keywords For Your Website in 8 Easy Steps

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SEO KEYWORDS are one of the important assets you need while writing content for your website and your overall SEO strategy. In other words, it is important to the organic ranking of your website. This means that without the right keywords, your content might not rank in Google. Knowing how to get SEO keywords for your website is very important, almost as important as having a website itself for your business.

How to get SEO Keywords
How to get SEO Keywords

What are SEO Keywords?

SEO Keywords are words inserted into content to improve the search engine ranking possibilities for those words. Most of the keywords are found during keyword research processes and are selected based on a combination of the volume of search, competition, and commercial intent.

What are the Importance of SEO Keywords?

As a website owner or online business owner, here are some important SEO Keywords and how they will be beneficial to you and your business they are as follows:

  • It helps you identify and speak the language of the market’s target.
  • It will create useful content for your target audience.
  • It helps communicate to Google that a webpage is a relevant match for a query
  • It helps in the improvement of search engine rankings such that it helps Google understand what the webpage content Is all about.
  • It helps in getting content in front of the right set of people at the right time.
  • It pushes more qualified traffic to the appropriate web pages.
  • It increases time on site by redirecting more qualified traffic to web pages.
  • It increases conversions by helping consumers find you at a glance rather than your competitors.
Importance of SEO Keywords
Importance of SEO Keywords – Photo by NisonCo PR and SEO on Unsplash

What are the features of a good SEO keyword?

SEO Keywords are essential for any search engine optimization campaign. However, to help your webpage, stand out, you need to choose certain effective keywords around to create your content. For example, if you are a bespoke company in Lagos, you might need to create web pages concentrating on the keyword “Bespoke Company Lagos”. The best keyword process-specific qualities would make them unique and valuable for your business.

By Following some of the qualities that characterize the most valuable and unique keyword for any website, check out the following characteristics:

  • Keyword Relevance
  • Keyword Popularity
  • Length of the Keyword
  • Specificity of the Keyword

a. Keyword Relevance

One of the most important characteristics to take note of in any keyword is its relevance to your website. Over time, some companies decided to puff up their content with keywords that were not related to their business. This is a very bad tactic because Google can recognize irrelevant keywords and in addition, using irrelevant keywords will lead to site visitors or prospective customers looking for something you do not offer. 

As a result of this, instead of getting earnings for your business, you tend to lose some funds which in turn isn’t good for your business.

However, when choosing keywords, you must carefully select directly relevant actions to your website and business. When you are also choosing a keyword for your web page, choose terms that are closely relevant to the content on the page and always look beyond obvious keywords to address topics and products that you are offering which might help you stand out from the competition. For example, Bespoke Company Lagos. Doing this will help you match your content with prospective visitors’ and clients’ expectations and also allow your website to perform better.

b. Keyword Popularity

How popular a keyword refers to how well it is being used in online research. It is a reflection of how well it generates traffic with which you might be able to generate income if you rank well for that specific item. For example, if a word is searched a million times, it will generate more visitors compared to a word searched just 100 times. 

Choosing keywords that are relevant and at the same time popular is very important because they allow you to identify keywords that your prospective audience is searching for.

The best way to however locate these popular keywords is to carry out keyword research.

There are several ways in which you can carry out this research which will be mentioned later in this content.

To mention a few, you can look at any search engine marketing campaigns that you have in place and pull out the highest form of keywords from that particular campaign. You can also make use of Google Analytics to find out which specific terms are currently bringing people to your website.

For more details, you can hire the service of an SEO expert this is where Iconic Digital World comes in and will help you generate the right and accurate keywords for your website and also attract the keywords that your prospective audience will likely use.

c. Length of the Keyword

In knowing how to get SEO Keywords, the action ‘keyword’ will make you think of just a particular word which is rather ineffective. This is because they are very popular terms with other numerous websites making use of them in their contents. For example, ‘bespoke’ is used by lots of websites and that is seemingly impossible to rank on the first page of search results as though in the first three results. No matter how good you optimize your content for the word ’bespoke’.

Instead, effective keywords tend to be 2-4 phrases which could be more that will explain in detail what the search is looking for online. They are called long-tail keywords and are more effective than single words. They possess enough specifics that narrow them down the field of websites to a number that is quite easier for you to compete with. At the same time, they are usually short enough that they are still words relatively more people search for.

d. Specificity of Keyword

When choosing a specific, long-tail keyword you will reduce the size of the audience you have access to nature because the number of people searching for those specific words is smaller than those searching for broader words.

However, the quality of the traffic generated to your website will be higher than the quality of traffic that you will generate while using less specific words. As a result of these, you will generate more profit in your business when you choose more specified keywords than choosing broad words.

As mentioned above, one of the challenges with single-word searches is that they are so broad. Therefore, the broader the search word, the more difficult it is to rank for that specific term because you might be competing against more web pages that will be difficult for your website to be seen. As a result of this, an effective keyword must possess a certain level of it is specificity. For example, in place of trying to get a ranking for ‘bespoke shop’, you might rank more for ‘bespoke company Lagos’

How to Get SEO Keywords

Getting SEO Keywords, there are several ways to do it, which can either be done manually or by using keyword research tools. Whichever way you decide to, there are important steps that you need to take.

To achieve execute your keyword plan, you can follow these step by step plans which are below:

  1. Study your niche
  2. Set a defined goal
  3. Make a list of relevant topics
  4. Create a list of keywords to seed 
  5. Use good keywords and research tools
  6. Study the search intent 
  7. Identify long-tail keywords
  8. Find out about your competitors

1. Study Your Niche

Before going into what kind of keywords are best for optimizing your page, you should begin by going deep into learning more about your topic. This can give you an outside-the-box idea and help you discover areas of your marketing and Search engine optimization strategy which you might have thought about before now.

Here is how you can study your niche:

  • Discuss with your existing customers and get to know them better. Make a finding on what terms they use when they describe your company
  • Think from the endpoint of the perspective of your prospective customers on if you were to publicize the brand to a friend, how well will you talk about it?
  • Be involved in your niche’s online company i.e. forums, social media platforms networks. Go through their discussions and find out any points that are being mentioned regarding your niche.
Understand the Niche
Study your Niche – Photo by Austin Distel on Unsplash

2. Set a Defined Goal

While are planning, you must always begin by defining the end goal but before doing that, you should endeavor to ask yourself some important questions which will in turn help in defining your goals and they are as follows:

  • Who you are?
  • What is your brand all about?
  • What makes your brand special?
  • What is your webpage all about?
  • What promises does your webpage pose to bring?

Having successfully answered these questions, you then need to specify your brand mission. How do you want to increase the number of people subscribers, or would you want to have a sales target at a given date?

Set Defined Goals
Set A Defined Goal – Photo by Ronnie Overgoor on Unsplash

Note that it is important to define your goals which will in turn provide a direction for your strategy and plans. This will be aligned with your goals. Your defined goals will also inform the purpose of the SEO copywriting and content.

You can as well write down your goal by drawing charts and documenting them. These will be a framework and navigation needed for your plan. You can as well contact us at ICONIC DIGITAL WORLD for help.

3. Make a List of the Most Relevant Topics

Based on your defined goals, you can as well break them down into smaller topics. Thereby making a list of topics related to your brand that you will want to rank on Google.

          For example, if you are a beauty soap brand that specializes in beautifying the skin of ladies, related topics that are in a way related to your brand could be:

  • Women’s skin soap
  • Women facial wash
  • Woman face scrub

These need to be topics that are very important to your business and related to your prospective buyers. 

Think about what kind of topics will target your prospective audience search on Google. This bucket list of topics can be of help and be gradually broken down into keywords.

4. Create a List of Keyword Seed

Having broken down your category into different subtopics, you can start by creating a list of seed keywords. These seeds of keywords need to be related to your various topics and very importantly are terms that your target audience might be searching for on Google.

If you are wondering how you can seed or focus keywords of your brand or product, it is a lot easier all you need do is to describe your search as simply as possible and think how other people might search for it on Google.

5. Use of Good Keyword Research Tools

You might want to assume that I must begin my keyword research with a keyword tool? However, the advantage to researching search terms from your brand. This prevents you from getting too puffed up with keywords and helps you gain a larger perspective for your content.

After you must have identified your goals, and streamlined your topics, it is high time you use keyword research tools that will help refine your search terms. 

One of the great options to use is Google Keyword Planner. But Google only gives an approximated search volume however, you can make use of tools like Keyword Tool. This tool will give you a lot more details and help you streamline down the right direction for search terms. 

Another added advantage this tool does is that it gives additional ideas on related keywords, going about Is to type the proposed topic in the search box and it will provide you a list of alternative keywords and also include those containing prepositions and related questions.

Keyword Research Tools
Keyword Research Tools – Photo by Campaign Creators on Unsplash

6. Study The Intent of The Search

Search intent can be defined as the intent or the reason behind why people search for a specific term. This can involve many driving factors behind why people search which include:

  • Why they are searching?
  • Are they searching because they have a question or do they want an answer to those questions?
  • Are they searching for a specific website?
  • Are they searching because they want to purchase something?

Given these questions, you must as much as possible put yourself in your prospective audience’s shoes on why they would be searching for your topic? How they will keen in the terms they are looking for etc.

Once you have got a good idea of the search intent behind prospective readers, this will help you to be able to fine-tune your keyword research.

7. Identify Long Tail Keywords

Specific seed keywords are often shorter search terms that are closely related to your brand’s main category. On the other hand, Long-tail keywords are more descriptive and often related to your buckets subtopics. Matching your target audience’s search intent to long-tail keywords is far easier compared to snippet keywords.

Long-tail keywords always get few clicks on search since they are centered on topics or products they don’t always get a higher conversion rate.

8. Make Findings From Your Competitors

Carrying SEO Keyword research on google along about your business isn’t good enough. You need to be aware of what your counterparts are doing. This is better if you understand the landscape of where your industry is, this will be better for your SEO. 

Understanding the competition of different keywords will allow you to identify search items that be a bit difficult to rank.


Choosing the right SEO keywords will help your website, business, and brand rank well in search on Google which will also generate income for the growth of the business. However, if you require SEO and content experts for your website, you can contact Iconic Digital World. We are always ready to help you and give you our services 100%. 

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