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Low Website Ranking? 5 Quick good ways to Make Your Site Rank Higher With SEO

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Here’s How To Make Your Site Rank Higher and Faster With SEO.

make site rank higher with seo
Winner Photo by George Morina from Pexels

Imagine rising tomorrow morning with the news that your website ranks top on Google. How would you feel? This feeling is what every site owner desire. The desire for that feeling is what prompted you to commence this search on how to make your site rank higher with SEO.

Are you aware that organic traffic grew to 53% in 2020? Of this, the website in the first position on the first page of search engines gets the most traffic of about 20.5%. Other websites then struggle for the rest percentage. Let me also remind you that the other percentage is not also shared among other websites equally.

The lower you rank, the lesser traffic you are likely to generate. This will affect the conversion rate of your site. Hence, we cannot over-stress the importance of knowing how to make your site rank higher with SEO. That is exactly what you are about to figure out from this article.

Ensure you read to the end to get the testimony of higher ranking just as you have always desired.

How To Make My Site Rank Higher With SEO

1. Take Content Quality Seriously

A lot of websites owners have gone too far into the wilderness of ranking high on the search engine such that they ignore the quality of their content. Search Engine Watch confirms that high-quality content is one of the most important signals used by Google to rank your site.

Never forget that the primary aim of your website is to satisfy your audience first. Hence, while creating content for your site; always ensure you optimize content not only for search engines but also for your users.

One more thing you should note is, always insert keywords where it will make sense. Don’t just stuff too many keywords into your content, use it sparingly, like adding salt to your food. If it is too little, it will not be delicious, and if it is too much, it will not make sense. 

2. Ensure Site has optimum Speed Always

Site Rank Higher - Internet Speed
Speed Internet High Photo by Mohamed_hassan on Pixabay

When website users are exposed to slow loading time, they will conduct fewer searches on your site. Guess what? They will be eager to exit your site and not want to come back anymore too. This will affect your ranking on search engines.

It is also worthy of note that Google is obsessed with the speed of their product and on the web. Hence, web speed is one of the signals in their search engine algorithm.

Everyone wants value for their time. Nobody wants to waste precious time on anything nowadays. Google does not want anybody to wait too long to get information. Nobody wants to wait too long either. Google is trying to satisfy its customers. You should too.

Anytime you notice that your website is slow, fix it immediately because the effect may be grave. You can do this by compressing your image file or simplifying your design. You should also contact us. We are always available to help you fix all of your website issues.

3. Use Outbound and Internal Links

Outbound links are those links that will refer readers to another site from your website. This reference link usually depicts some sites you made your research from. It proves to google and your users that your content is not just filled with ideas from your imagination. It gives further authenticity to your content.

Nowadays, readers to ensure what they get from your site is trustworthy. One way you can prove this to them is via outbound links.

Internal links on the other hand connect one page to another on the same website. The contextual link in your site can also help users effortlessly navigate relevant and similar content on your website without having to search for it again.

Internal linking makes users stay longer on your page. In return, this will make your site rank high on SEO. All you need to do is to ensure you do not blow this out of proportion.

For external links, include only relevant pages and pages that are of value to the current page. Also, for outbound links, ensure links are relevant to your current page and its information is not outdated.

4. Stay Updated With Google Algorithm

On the 9th of March 2017, Gary Illyes via his Twitter handle notified the public that on average, Google has 3 updates in a day. This fact opens us up to another fact that Google changes its algorithm often, even though it may not be announced publicly. Although, you may not be able to predict what future updates may look like. This is because as humans evolve, so do our needs. Accordingly, algorithm updates are made to suit our needed change per time.

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You can keep track of algorithm updates from google by following the Twitter handle www.twitter.com/searchliaison. Also, ensure your site content is updated frequently and keep track of developments in your blog posts.

5. Create a Mobile-Friendly Website

Makli Mechanical Systems Website Design - Responsive Screenshot
Makli Mechanical Systems Website Design Website Design Project by Iconicdigitalworld

If all the above is in place and your site is not flexible for mobile devices, you still have a little chance that Google will rank you high. About 50.81% of global website traffic is generated by mobile devices, excluding tablets.

Every year, the technology landscape evolves. If you intend to rank well, your website must also behave well on mobile devices. On March 05, 2020, Google announced its intention to shift to mobile-first indexing, which commenced September 2020. In this era and age, you cannot afford your site not to be mobile-friendly. It may not find a space on google’s first page.

You can know if your website is not mobile-friendly by using the Google Search console, which will reel out the list of your usability issues for you. If your website is not mobile-friendly, there’s no need to be worried – we will help you fix it quickly. Contact us and get started ASAP.


With all the outlined tactics above, you now know how to make your site rank higher with SEO. Do not overlook any of the points listed above. Every one of them is of utmost importance to make your site rank higher with SEO.

Feel free to contact us at Iconic Digital World. We offer the best solutions for your website challenges. We can also help make your site rank higher with SEO.

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