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Ways to generate fresh website content

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Ways to Generate Fresh Website Content

How to Generate Fresh Website Content
Ways to generate fresh website content: Photo by Hal Gatewood on Unsplash

     Visiting a website and discovering that the website is outdated (such that; not look enticing and engaging to people who stumble on it). Business owners who fail to update and review content on their websites are likely to be out of date. It is necessary to always necessary to have ways to generate fresh website content for your business website which will in turn give impact your SEO( Search Engine Optimization) and also increase the number of customers who are ready to patronize you making it easy to find you online.


Website content in its simplicity is defined as any writing that is on a website. Website content can be blogs, white papers, checklists, or website copy. It is not only about content writing but can also involve visual and audio content (videos, podcasts, images, etc).


  1. The importance of generating fresh content for your website is to help improve your SEO Rankings on Google which will also generate leads and conversion to your website.
  2. Another benefit of having website content is to get an online presence on social media platforms( Instagram, Facebook), etc.
  3. It keeps your website and business alive whereby prospective consumers keep engaging and patronizing your business 
  4. It also makes those who patronize your website happy having seen what they are looking for at a glance and also allows them to explore the website for more. In other words, there is more recommendation from your consumers to other prospective consumers.


As mentioned at the beginning of this article, it is expedient that you and your marketing team make it a point of duty to get fresh and top-notch ideas for your website. 

In generating new and fresh website content, here are some tips on how to get new website content.

Identifying Relevant Topics and Making a List from Them:

One of the first things you must do while generating fresh content for your website is you must have a list of topics you can choose from. You can ask your marketing team(writers, editors, and also other members of your business) for other suggesting topics which you can later choose from the best ones.

Ensure your team devotes a few hours or the whole day to do thorough research, get trends, and also source from the internet. You must also take note of everybody’s suggestions to get similar content.

You also should be aware of what is happening around you so that you can get similarities of these happenings to your brand or website. 

Note: it is very easy to emphasize some tasks than to try taking everything in at once. However, discussing close content and titles is much easier than trying to look for one

Identifying Relevant Topics and Making a List from Them
Identify Relevant Topics and Making a List from Them: Photo by Firmbee.com on Unsplash

You should consider conducting interviews:

One of the ways of generating fresh content is by talking to your audience. Conduct interviews with your audience by asking them what they would want to get from your brand. In this, you might not have to ask them directly. You can ask them via carrying out surveys or via questionnaire and after which, you can carry on from there.

Another way by conducting interviews is also by creating social media posts encouraging them to suggest ideas on what they have in mind. In this, you will not just only be able to give them what they want but also generate fresh content from them for your websites. 

In addition, you can also grant interviews to experts in your industry space, this means that you can look for popular figures and make a list of what you want to ask them so as not to fidget during the interviews( it could be done through voice call or video calls conversation).

You should also make a record of the interviews you have conducted to review them later.

Consider taking interviews
Consider taking interviews: Photo by Christina @ wocintechchat.com on Unsplash

You can also make good use of Google:

You must have heard this saying” Google is your friend”. This is very true whereby if you have certain ideas but you can not give a topic around them, then you can try searching for keywords on Google. This will give you suggested or relative topics and through those topics, you can get topics that might interest you.

And if peradventure you can not come up with a keyword, you can try looking up past articles to generate keywords. Once this is typed on Google, you will discover some articles you haven’t written about before.

You can also use Google Keyword Planner and also other keyword planning tools which can provide you with suggestions. In this, you can choose to discover new keywords, and research words and you can also make your keyword for the future.

Making Use of Google
Making use of Google: Photo by Firmbee.com on Unsplash

Rework your previous titles:

You can also revisit the articles posted a few years. The majority of it could be outdated and it is a chance to update it or even redesign a new article with the same idea. Take, for example, you have an old article on how to combine certain outfits for the occasion as a clothing industry. You can choose to update it and republish it again as a new article with a new topic which could be Outfits to be worn on a specific occasion. This uses the same idea but from a different perspective.

Pay Close Attention to your comment section:

Your comment section on your page/website is very important for generating fresh website content and you should leave it public also you should take time to check it out once in a while.

Through people’s comments you can get keywords and in turn, use these comments into titles all you need do is to tweak it a little to make it Search Engine Optimization Friendly.

You can hire a professional content writer:

If you peradventure you do not have the time for generating fresh website content for your website and business, you can do well to high a professional content writer who will help you generate fresh ideas for your website. 

However, if you are considering looking for a professional content writer, you can contact us at ICONIC DIGITAL WORLD for competent writers who will bring perspective to your website and growth to your business as a whole.

Hire a Professional content Writer
Hire a professional content writer: Photo by Kaitlyn Baker on Unsplash

Looking at Your Competitor’s Website:

It is not a bad idea to look at the website of your competitors but becomes bad when you lift the content as it is from the website itself. Looking at your competitor’s website gives you an idea of what content you can generate from the website. In doing this, you can do a little tweaking of the topics you got from the website and create something on your website. Note that when you lift word for word from your competitor’s website can lead your website to get flagged as a result of this.

In addition to this, you can check out their comments sections to know what their customers are also talking about just as discussed in previous points.

Competitor's website
Competitor’s Website: Photo by Bruno Aguirre on Unsplash


In generating fresh content, this content must be able to meet and answer the needs of your consumers and prospective consumers to get the necessary engagement to your website and in turn, convert these engagements into leads for the growth of your website and business. You can contact us at ICONIC DIGITAL WORLD for more intriguing website content from our professional writers.

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