Case Study:
Senior Essential Shopify
Website Revamp


- Vague, slightly confusing messaging
- Use Case-overload that overwhelms the visitor
- Never explains what the product does or how it works

- Vague, slightly confusing messaging
- Explains exactly how the product works
- Explains the exact problem being solved

Project Details
Purpose: A Shopify Website Redesign for a bedroom and lifestyle essentials online shop. Improve user experience, SEO and reduce bounce rate.
Challenge: Senior Essential Website Redesign: A Clean looking Shopify Website Redesign, simple and organized with excellent user experience. The functionality should be easy to navigate and conveys high quality. Previous design was poorly designed with respect to user experience and SEO leading to high bounce rate.
Platform: WordPress
Color: Dark Cyan Blue
Language: English
Location: USA
Location: USA

Other Deliverables
- Lorem ipsum dolor
- Lorem ipsum dolor
- Lorem ipsum dolor
- Lorem ipsum dolor
- Lorem ipsum dolor
- Lorem ipsum dolor

We can make it happen! You don’t have to miss amazing opportunities anymore…just because your website is poorly designed!