Case Study:
Aid in Healing
Website Revamp


- Vague, slightly confusing messaging
- Use Case-overload that overwhelms the visitor
- Never explains what the product does or how it works

- Vague, slightly confusing messaging
- Explains exactly how the product works
- Explains the exact problem being solved

Project Details
Purpose: A Website Redesign for wellness and psychological services to help people break free from the mental and emotional stress.
Challenge: Aid in Healing Website Redesign: A professional website that is clean and highly responsive on all devices with a high conversion rate
Platform: WordPress
Color: Bright Green
Language: English
Location: USA
Location: USA

Other Deliverables
- Lorem ipsum dolor
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- Lorem ipsum dolor
- Lorem ipsum dolor

We can make it happen! You don’t have to miss amazing opportunities anymore…just because your website is poorly designed!