
Iconic Resources:

Best B2B Web Designs

Top 10 B2B web designs for businesses today

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The word B2B (meaning Business to Business) is a form of transaction between businesses, such as involving a manufacturer and a wholesaler, or a wholesaler and a retailer. Business-to-Business (B2B) refers to a business conducted between companies, rather than between a company and an individual consumer. This stands in contrast to business-to-consumer (B2C) and business-to-government (B2G) transactions.

A B2B website is a marketing tool designed specially to sell your products or services to another business online. These websites have a more complicated task as they seek to draw businesses to buy products or services. B2B websites focus on the step-by-step leads-to-prospect conversion procedure.

For every business to business (B2B) to thrive, relationships must be nurtured through professional interactions before the sales of the products for a successful transaction to take place. Basically, this is what the right B2B web designs would help you achieve.

Best B2B web Designs
Best B2B Web DesignsPhoto by Gabriel Benois on Unsplash

What are the best Features of B2B Web Designs?

Want your business site to join the list of the best B2B web designs, work efficiently and also generate the actual leads required, here are some features that the B2B web design should have:

  1. Password Protected Access to pricing
  2. Products information Details
  3. Product Images
  4. Tracking of Products
  5. Secured And Payment Flexibility Portal
  6. Discount on Bulk Buy
  7. Quick Order Functionality
  8. Lively Customer Support
  9. Check Out Flexibility
  10. Mobile Usability

1. Password Protected Access to pricing: 

B2B web designs are a lot more reserved, unlike B2C (Business to Consumers) websites that revolve conveniently around low prices.

Many websites seem to opt to refuse to disclose their pricing strategies from the public view by activating a password-protected user area to give them access to only approved customers. 

This is especially important if your business sells to a network or your business is highly competitive with your pricing and you would want to keep it secret.

2. Product Information Detailed:  

For a Large B2B business, it is not enough to just list a product name, add an image and expect orders to roll in. 

Instead, go a step further by including a convincing array of products data like dimensions, MPNs( Manufacturer Part Number), or Spec Sheets.

Using a PIM (Protocol Independent Multicast) such as Akeneo will help manage this data more efficiently and easily push across multiple sales, channels, and marketplace to widen your target audience and streams of revenue. You can reach out to us at Iconic Digital World if having issues with implementing this.

3. Product Image:

As a business, it is important that customers are able to visualize your product as much as possible. The best way to do this is by listing product images on your site.

For a B2B web design, providing a high level of detailing in your product image can make all the difference rather than relying on stock imagery or CG.

Also, adding a 360 view of your products, high-definition quality pictures, closeup or even a video are all great examples of this and can help improve the leads wanted by the business.

4. Tracking of Products:

 An order online tracker shows each step of the ordering process and Its current progress could be useful for stakeholders at your consumer’s company. Imagine what it will be like with the level of anticipation of waiting for a delivery of B2C goods without close monitoring. Tracking of the products helps give credibility to your company and your business as a whole.

5. Secured and Payment Flexibility Portals:

Some B2C transactions often require immediate payments (or payment at delivery if you use Amazon). However, B2B transactions don’t always have to follow the same route as using extended credit terms is a good barometer of trust between a company and its clients. 

Your B2B web design should feature flexible payment options for credit, debit transactions. It should also include offline transaction terms that can assist your prospective customers with a solution that works best for them.

6. Discount on Bulk Buy:

B2B customers sometimes tend to place orders for large and bulky purchases instead of individual items. Offering a good discount on bulk purchases on your products would do your business a lot of good. This will be especially useful if you are shipping in cartons or pallets where selling an extra batch of products won’t affect the carriage costs.

7. Quick Order Functionality:

For extra points, allow your customers to reorder from previous transactions or patronage from within their account. Also, make the process very repeat purchases as easy as possible.

8. Lively Customer Support:

Considering how tedious buying new items online can be, having an FAQ or a contact page to help deal with queries is necessary. Better still, develop a live chat facility that can engage inquisitive customers for better conversions.

 9. Check Out Flexibility

It is common knowledge that easy and flexible checkout is crucial for eCommerce stores, especially B2B oriented businesses. Adding features like guest checkout can make your B2B web design more accommodating and drive sales.

10. Mobile Usability:

Over the last few years, Google whose algorithm shows that “ 61% of products researched in a web capacity online are done using a smartphone”. Therefore, having a mobile user-friendly b2b web design is very crucial as help serve mobile users making your site easier and approachable for customers.

Having the above features in your B2B web design guarantees a better web design conversion for your business.

What are the benefits of B2B web designs?

Having a B2B web design adds a lot to both the business and to the consumer. Here are some of the benefits of having a B2B web design

a. Grow Your Customer Base: 

A B2B web design that has a fantastic catalog is a magnificent tool used to attract B2B customers. An example of a B2B website is Shopify which helps in identifying new visitors and also works in converting them into consumers.

b. Increases Your Sale

It is important that your B2B website allows placement for automated cross-sell and up-sell features on your store. This functions by giving relevant suggestions to customers and encouraging them to buy similar items with great features and functionalities.

c. Grows Your Brand Awareness: 

Having a good B2B web design helps improve your site’s search engine optimization (SEO), therefore, ensuring you appear to your target audience. A swift way to do this is to ensure that your eCommerce website store page can be located by the search engine crawlers.

d. Creating Customer (User) Experience:

Creating innovative designs, outstanding content, and engaging functionality on your website would increase your visitors’ revisit and retention rate. Basically, this plays a major role in whether your customers would keep coming back to you or not.

e. Exceptional Customer Service:

A proper B2B web design should help you put adequate service initiatives in place. Through integration with an enterprise resource planning (ERP) system, your B2B web design can display customer-specific products, and pricing based on customer login credentials.

f. Improves Sales Engagement:

Using a B2B web design enhances your capability to keep tabs on your customer’s orders, pricing, and history from anywhere. This allows your partners to focus on strategic partnership without losing accountability to the customers you are rendering service to.

g. Improved Efficiency:

B2B integrates your back-end business system by allowing your customers to order online at their convenience shifting your focus from merely processing orders.

h. Scalability:

As your business grows, your B2B web design can also evolve it allowing you to focus on leading your business into new market segments. With this, you will be able to scale up to meet the new market demands and customer needs.

Best B2B Web Design Samples

Many companies today place much attention on their day-to-day affairs that they often neglect their site. This is something you should be wary of, which is why we have put together the top 10 best B2B web designs examples as a guide to what your site should look like.

1. WeWork:

WeWork operates on the principle that “when it comes to digital marketing, less is always more”. The site applies this on their website with a brief, casual language that goes straight to the point. The photos on WeWork are bright and splashy which speaks perfectly to their target audience where they can meet new people.

The Homepage has a drop-down menu that allows you to choose your city for better targeting and higher customer satisfaction.

We Work – Photo by WeWork

2. OnePageCRM:

Majorly, one of the first things you see as soon as you log on to the website is the welcoming content “time to action your sales”
That alone would get a business owner glued, because it is catchy, engaging, and tells all you need to know without unveiling too much. It is a kind that catchphrase that resonates and makes you want to read more.

Having catchy content shows that B2B web designs shouldn’t have dry content on their site.

One Page CRM – Photo by OnePageCRM

3. Felicis Venture:

The Homepage of the site shows that they are the real deal (having many companies they have invested in and the kind of successful exits they have of late). The first 3 slides on the Felicis Venture show that they have invested in a whole lot of winners. This is how you get confidence from potential customers.

felicis venture
Felicis Venture – Photo by Felicis Venture

4. IBM:

IBM uses its website in promoting safety. This simple front page conveys that you can count on IBM and they are always adapting with the times.

The Homepage has 6 tiles that allow for easy navigation through their service.

IBM – Photo by IBM

5. Trello:

Trello website has a homepage that is ultra-focused on lead generation. This ultra-simple B2B web design draws begins to draw you like a magnet to the signup form. It doesn’t have navigation up top which distracts visitors from signing up, and the only difference is that a lime green button emphasizes that signups are free.

Trello – Photo by Trello

6. ClickUp:

Click Up is a website that takes up digital marketing to the next level with a cool 90-second video that informs what could have taken paragraphs of text with a simple tagline that says ”One app to replace them all”. Clickup is a stand out example of top notch b2b web design.

Clickup – Photo by Clickup

7. WP Engine:

WP Engine is a b2b website that has a vibrant splash of pink and galaxy colors on its website. Having to be bold and creative is what attracts your website visitors

WP Engine
WP Engine – Photo by WP Engine

8. Evergreen:

Is a professional and yet spicy website that shows a consistent style and theme all through. Evernote uses a jazzy green wallpaper that matches its logo color. Evergreen has a background that makes a bold move from the ’90s.

Evergreen – Photo by Evergreen

9. Packlane: 

Packlane is a custom packaging website that puts on a clinic how to showcase their products for a better customer experience. Good photography and staging are key to their overall appearance. They have also highlighted some brands they have previously worked with making it easy and trusting for their visitors to rely much on them.

Packlane – Photo by Packlane

10. Slack:

Slack serves as both a b2b web design and also a platform at which you can conveniently bring your team together working from home and not having to meet physically for convenience’s sake. 

Slack has a clever way of showing social proof without actually using real testimonials as an employer. The web design emphasizes the timely ‘work from home

Slack – Photo by slack

Best B2B Website Designs Practice

In the process of designing your B2B website, it is necessary to step back and put into consideration some major best design practices which will help you increase conversions and generate more leads. These practices include:

i. Website Navigation:

Your B2B website navigation should be designed in a way to help your visitors find what they are looking for at every stage of their decision-making process. Having an exceptional navigation process is one important part of designing a website.

Also, note that it is very essential that your website is responsive across all devices. This is as a result of research done by Stone Temple that says that 63% of all UB Web Traffic came from mobile devices.

ii. Minimalism Design:

This concept has become more popular in web design because it has been proven that simpler designs are better and can lead to more conversions.

However, here are 2 ways by which you can apply the method while you design your B2B web design:

– The use of White space:

“A space on a page can be every bit as important as the space occupied by imagery because even space serves a purpose and supports the visual integrity of a Layout” is according to Jason Santa Maria.

– Effective Use of Color:

With a minimalistic website design, the choice of color plays an important role in how a website will look like.

Color has a powerful way of making elements stand out. Be careful when you use bright colors and then mix them up with more toned-down.

v. Carefully Select Your Images:

Having to pair your content with the appropriate image can speak more than a thousand words. 

Given this, ensure that you use high quality images while designing your B2B website. With this, you create a connection between your website (your business) and your target audience.

vi. Use Simple Layout and Clear Typography:

Nice fonts are important for drawing your user’s attention to what you would want them to notice. Certainly, you wouldn’t want your B2B web design having a distorted view, hence, causing your proposed target audience to shift the attention to the less important details.

Bottom line

A good B2B web design can push forward your business and generate sales and conversion you so desire to have for the growth of your business. Do you really want your business to join the list of the best b2b web designs? Reach out to us at Iconic Digital World, and we’d be more than happy to help while you focus on running your business hitch-free.

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