
Iconic Resources:

7 highly effective strategies on how to promote businesses locally for free

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These seven highly effective strategies on how to promote businesses locally for free are important if you have a low budget for advertisement. The first question that could ravage your thought is, “do we have anything as FREE PROMOTION?” If you’re patient enough to go through this article, you will be clear on this.

In the preparatory stage of a business startup, you would already have a budget to run your business on. At this initial stage, advertising may not cover the more significant portion of your budget because there are other factors to put in place for the survival of your business. Although you will have to put in time and effort to promote your business, you can promote your business locally for free too.

In this article, you will be able to figure out effective strategies on how to promote your business locally for free.

What exactly does business promotion mean?

Business Promotion entails the strategies you employ to make your target audience aware of your products and, most importantly, influence them to buy.

7 Highly Effective ways to promote your local businesses online for free.

1.      Be a brand that offers quality service or sells quality products:

You want to know how to promote businesses locally and see quality goods or services. You are probably surprised as to how it can help promote your business. The good news is that it’s possible. In fact, it is the freest way to advertise your product for free. Have you ever used a product and liked the quality of that product? If yes, when someone asks you what product to use, would you not quickly recommend the product you used? Yes, you would.

Telling someone else that you used a good product is you promoting that product for free. If you offer quality service or sell good stuff, your customers will definitely recommend you. They will do this naturally because you can satisfy them. The bedrock of any promotion is quality goods or services.

No matter how well you promote the product, if you offer bad services or products, at the instance of another product, you will lose existing customers, and you may not get new customers as you ought to. Your customers will talk about whether your product is good or bad. So, ask yourself what your customers are saying about your brand.

This means offering quality service will make your customers tell others about your product without you compelling them. That’s good news.

2.      Create a Google my business page:

Google My Business
Google Business Profile: Google

It is well-known that the world’s most visited website is Google. It dominates the search engine market as it has consistently maintained having 92.47% of the market share. With this analysis, having a business profile on google is one great way to promote your local business. But you need to set up a google business profile first.

How will having a google business profile help promote your business? Having this profile will generate more visibility for your business. Google will also suggest your business anytime someone in your locale conducts a search related to your business. Your business information, such as your address, will be on Google Maps, making it easy for customers to locate you.  

Additionally, with your business having a google my business account, you can always update what days and times you would be available. In emergencies, you can also update your unavailability on your profile. Your customers can also give reviews with the google my business account.

3.      Maximize social media

It is a discovered truth that about 4.62 billion people use social media worldwide. This number includes those in your locality. These people are not just passive; they spend some time on social media. Like google business profile, potential customers can see what your business entails on your social media.

You can also share new updates about your business to your existing and potential customers with your business’s social handles. You can build a community where your customers and potential ones interact with your brand. Your audience can give reviews and interact with your brand privately from the comfort of their homes or offices.

Social Media
Make good use of social media: Pixabay.

You can also train your audience on using your products with your social media platform. The truth is that the easier it is for your audience to access you for information or service, the more they come back if they get satisfaction. The logic is to meet your audience at their level always. Social media is one way to bring your product to your audience’s face. However, you need to ensure you’re sharing the right content always.

4.      Offer helpful content with your blog:

Offering helpful content with your blog is one of the strategies on how to promote businesses locally for free. You will agree that human beings are attracted to value. Everyone wants to ensure that they get value for every dime they spend. Sharing helpful content projects your brand as authentic and professional. Everyone who finds your blog post helpful will want to stick to your brand.

When your content is value-based, you will attract more customers. You can also show potential clients what you can offer them with your blog posts. With this, you will get more leads. With blogging, you build customers’ trust for your brand. When your customers trust your brand, it becomes easier to communicate with them.

With trust comes loyalty. When your brand becomes trusted, customers become loyal to your brand. And when customers become loyal to your brand, they would share your blog posts, thereby exposing your brand to a larger audience. Knowing why your business needs a website will be in your best interest.

5.      Use effective e-mail marketing

E-mail marketing is one way to promote businesses locally for free. Gone are those days when business owners think e-mail marketing is only for big brands. E-mail marketing is actually very effective for small or local businesses. It helps you build a strong relationship with your audience. You will agree that it’s nearly impossible to reach your customers via calls or SMS, especially if you have much information.

The best way to reach your audience directly is via mail. Various e-mail marketing platforms can help you mention your audience’s names, and it would feel like you sent them the messages one after the other. This helps your business name and brand. One very good e-mail marketing platform is MailChimp.

Email Marketing Platform: MailChimp

With e-mail marketing, you can always refer your audience to informative blog content writing, which will boost your website visits and increase your SEO ranking. Increment in your SEO ranking leads to greater visibility. The more your mail gets to your audience’s mail; the more your brand gets registered in their heart. Your brand then subtly stays on the top of their minds.

6.      Strategically communicate your brand physically at any given opportunity:

The world is gradually becoming digitalized and isolated. The more people focus on the growth and widespread of technology, the wiser it is for your brand to maximize the physical and one-on-one approach. How do you go about this? You can use the network system, where you attend local business events where you can share the importance of your products.

Another way you can physically talk about your brand is by making branded t-shirts for you and your workers and encouraging them to wear them on a specific day each week. Train your workers on your brand. Let them know a lot about the business. This is because it is easier for them to talk about your brand when they know your brand well.

Additionally, you can also organize a tutorial or training event where you educate people on the certain problem your brand solves. With this kind of tutorial, people will be exposed to this problem and will always come to your brand anytime they want to solve it.

For instance, if you are a medical practitioner, you can organize a program discussing the danger of self-medication. Expanding how self-medication is more expensive and dangerous in the long run. With this education, some of your audience will become your customers.  

7.      Reviews are powerful:

Reviews make your audience view your brand as reliable and credible. Reviews are also a way of allowing your customers to market your products or services for you. Guess what? Customer reviews do the marketing even long after the review is made. It is evergreen marketing for your business.

One important thing to note about reviews is that an organization always responds to negative reviews. How should you respond to negative reviews? Always respond with a polite tone by explaining the situation to the customer and providing steps you are taking to curb the error. Follow up on that particular customer by moving further conversation about the mistake to their DMs.

Iconic Digital World
Reviews: Iconic Digital World

According to review trackers, a mixture of positive and negative reviews shows that your brand is authentic. A profile that is full of flowery and no negative reviews could make your business look insincere. Hence, you do not have to delete all negative reviews. You should face the situation with honesty.

With this approach, your customers will trust you better and know that you care for them. It will also help you attract more customers.


By now, you are fully abreast of how to promote businesses locally for free. All of your doubts have also been cleared. If you have any questions, feel free to contact Iconic digital world for consultancy. Ensure you take full advantage of all the freeways to promote your business above.

As you keep exploring the strategies above, new modes of promotion will open up to you, and your business will keep growing.

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